We're building the future of community-driven companies. Join us!

Build relationships, not spreadsheets

Grow and measure your community across any platform with Orbit, mission control for your community.
Get Started
Alexa Smith SmithyA
Reach: 8
Followed on Twitter
Joined on Slack
Submitted first PR
Jimmy Daling jimmydaling
Community Manager
Sheared a report
Invited teammate to workspace
Created an alert
Enabling2059high-impact community teams
API and Webhooks

An API to bring your tools and data together.

Add Members
Add Tags
Edit Notes
Create Activities
From Anywhere

Have something else in mind? There’s an API for that.

Add members and activities from any source, pull enriched data from your workspace, and view underlying data from Orbit reports.

Customer Stories

Loved by
community teams

Tony Blank
Director, Startup Programs

How Agora uses Orbit to manage, measure, and grow
their community

Peggy Rayzis
Director, Developer Experience

How Apollo uses Orbit across four functions to build community and connection.

Jeremy Meiss
Director, DevRel & Community

How CircleCI developed and implemented a new DevRel strategy using Orbit.

Emma-Jade Wightman
Community Manager

How Rasa supercharged their contributor program with

Rethink the role of community in your business

Today's fastest-growing companies are community-driven. They know that software isn’t sold but adopted. They create value and
collaborate with customers wherever community happens.

Community & DevRel

Get time to focus on your community and data to prove ROI.

Founders & Execs

Know how community drives growth in your business.

Ops & Data Teams

Tie all your community tools and data together to get the full picture.

From the creators of the Orbit Model

Orbit’s unique approach is based on the Orbit Model, a framework to visualize and quantify your entire community so that you can scale high gravity communities.

A better way to build

Grow and measure your community across any platform with Orbit, mission control for your community.

Stay in the loop
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Understand your community and know your impact


A single, shared view of members and activity

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A single, shared view of members and activity

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A single, shared view of members and activity

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A single, shared view of members and activity

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